Mind GardeningWhen my wife and I moved into our little house in Bolton, I’d never really done any gardening. To me the winter months were a lovely…Jun 10, 202246Jun 10, 202246
The 8 Types of IntelligenceSo. I’ve been coding both casually and professionally on and off for quite a while now. But before I got into tech I was profoundly…Jun 29, 202039Jun 29, 202039
Let’s Build a Thing! (Part Three)Welcome back! As I seem to have found my writing cadence I thought I’d keep on ploughin’ on with this series of build-a-thing posts. You…Jun 24, 201942Jun 24, 201942
Let’s Build a Thing! (Part Two)So yesterday I embarked on this mad, audacious goal of trying to create a front-end framework from the ground-up using TDD and TypeScript…Jun 23, 201926Jun 23, 201926
Let’s Build a Thing! (Part One)My current run-rate for blogging is not fantastic. I have extremely good intentions, but invariably I either:Jun 22, 20199Jun 22, 20199
Cloud-First TDD with .net CORE — Part 2Over in part one of this blog post we learned how to use the dotnet core toolchain and serverless to deploy asp .net core Lambdas to AWS…Nov 3, 201835Nov 3, 201835
Cloud-First TDD with .net CORE — Part 1Everybody loves a good buzzword! These posts aim to be part walk-through, part experience report regarding my own encounters with…Nov 2, 20181Nov 2, 20181